Without your help or support our aims
would be impossible to achieve.
We know people lead busy lives. If you don’t have a lot of spare time for fundraising, but would still like to help and support us, we have come up with some quick and convenient ways you can give which will fit around your schedule.
You can choose to give regularly or just once – it’s up to you. We really do appreciate any amount that you can afford to give. However you choose to donate to The Monty Project, it all goes towards helping us to ensure all children we visit have at least one book they own and will help us continue with visits to schools and events to inspire, motivate and improve the children's mental well being.


Donate while you shop
Easy fundraising gives you the chance to shop via certain retailers, and we will gain a percentage of your purchase. It's so easy to do, just click on the Easy Fund Raising Link or scan the QR code, and sign up to support our cause.